WEEKLY GATHERINGS: Sunday, 10:30 a.m.

At Urban Grace, we value the time we spend together on Sunday mornings and hope it is a meaningful time for everyone that attends. As an ecumenical congregation, we follow the liturgical, or Church, calendar which roots us in ancient Christian tradition and connects us to the larger body of Christ. We hope these rhythms and seasons deepen our spiritual practices as we remember together God’s promises and the story of our reconciliation to God and one another.

Every Sunday is unique including the worship band, preacher and themes, so you’ll need to visit a few times before you can get a realistic picture of who we are. Whether you like traditional hymns with organ, gospel music or bluegrass, there is something for everyone when it comes to our musical styles. We often incorporate poetry, dance or art pieces into our worship services as well. All are welcome!



Children are welcome in our services anytime. We love the sounds of babies and inquisitive kids throughout the morning! But if you’d prefer, we also offer quality nursery and Sunday School programs during the service. We start all together in the sanctuary, then kids will be dismissed after the Blessing of the Children.

We offer nursery care by trained staff and volunteers for those two years old and under. Our classes for kids take place during our worship service and follow a lectionary-based rotational model following the liturgical (or Church) calendar. Each week they focus on a story that corresponds with the church season and look at that story from different angles through activities like games, songs, drama, crafts and other hands-on projects. The first Sunday of the month is our congregation’s communion Sunday, so our Sunday School class is shortened so children can be a part of this meaningful time with our church family.

We take the safety of our children seriously and hope that all families feel secure in the policies and procedures that have been set up to ensure their child’s well-being. Please take a look at the policies we have and let us know if you have any questions.

Youth & Family Safe Conduct Policy

Sex Offender Policy



On Sundays, Urban Grace offers two Sunday School classes for students ages 3-5 years and 6-12 years as well as a nursery for children 3 and under. Bianca oversees these classrooms as well as our other youth and children’s programs with great enthusiasm and a love for helping children explore faith in new ways.


Nursery & Sunday School Sundays, 10:30 A.M.


Community groups are a great way to get to know others from the church in a casual, smaller setting. Every group is different–some meet once/month or every other week, some eat a meal together, others study the Bible or read books together. Groups are generally created geographically, so you’ll also be getting to know your neighbors! Contact Bianca for more info on how to join a Community Group.

Throughout the year we offer topical small groups based on interest and/or liturgical season (i.e. Lent, Advent). Topics have included science & faith, race, and the work of James Alison.

This group meets for breakfast and a discussion of the lectionary texts on Thursdays at 7am. The diversity of voices and long held friendships make for a very lively and fascinating conversation. Enter at the 9th Street door and join this group in the Parlor.


Our Congregational Care Team helps meet the immediate needs of those in the church and help integrate new congregants into the life of Urban Grace. Whether you or someone you know needs hospital visitation, prayer, meals, community resources, or the schedule of social events, the Congregational Care Team can help get you connected. Contact us about care needs or to join the Prayer Team.


We place particular significance on the poor, marginalized, and oppressed and seek to reach out through providing services that meet immediate needs as well as supporting, collaborating, and developing efforts to strive for justice and equity for all who live in our city.

This weekly breakfast is a unique way to meet those in need in the community. Every Sunday over 200 people are served a free, hot breakfast and are always looking for a listening ear and friendly face. Come join us! Contact Willie to volunteer or for more info.

Tacoma News Tribune Article

We are currently developing Justice Teams that will focus on particular areas such as homelessness/housing, immigration, and racial justice. Contact us if you’d like more information or have an idea of your own!

Check out our Know Your Rights Resources for best practices in how to support our immigrant neighbors right now.


“These Stones” Music Video, Lyrics by Elizabeth Archer Klein, Music and Vocals by Emily Wickman & Adam Ydstie
Downtown Mural Sponsored by Urban Grace and the City of Tacoma’s Innovative Grant in 2009. Design and Artwork by Fab-5.

We value the arts as a unique and strategic part of our community context and as a means for exploring, expressing, and communicating truth and beauty about God and one another. We encourage creativity and freedom of expression in our worship and practices. We also seek to develop and nurture the arts and artists through the use of our facility as a community arts center.