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Ash Wednesday Service

Urban Grace

Join us on Ash Wednesday for an in-person meditative service as we begin the Lenten season. Childcare provided for Pre-k through 5th

Order Easter Lilies in Remembrance

To purchase a lily to honor/remember someone this Easter sign up here. Lilies will be $16 each and the name(s) of those

Congregational Conversation & Potluck

Urban Grace

Bring your green and/or Irish food for a potluck and congregational conversation after the service. Childcare will be provided.

Holy Week with the Tacoma Community

Our community has so much to offer in its beauty and spaces for reflection. This year during Holy Week, we will highlight

All Church Cleanup Day

Urban Grace

It's time for spring cleaning! Depending on the weather, we will work on clean up projects around the church both inside and

Tacoma Joint Youth Group Retreat

Camp Burton 9326 SW Bayview Drive, Vashon Island, WA, United States

All youth grades 6th-12th are invited to join us for the Tacoma Joint Youth Group 2024 retreat at Camp Burton on Vashon

Lunching Together

7 Seas Brewery 2101 Jefferson Ave., Tacoma, WA, United States

We like each other here. Because we like each other we like eating together occasionally. So, every first Sunday, let’s meet up

Conversation with Stan Mitchell

Guest preacher, Stan Mitchell will be with us during the service on Sunday June 9th, then all are invited to attend an

Summer Book Club!

Calling all caregivers of kids and youth! Let's journey through complex questions together as we read, 'Woven' by Meredith Miller. To learn

Congregational Meeting

Our next congregational meeting will be on Sunday June 30th right after the service. We will be voting on the budget and

Rainbow Eve Concert

On Friday July 12th at 7pm, The Cascade Music Alliance and Tara Chugh will be hosting the Rainbow Eve Concert at Urban

Tacoma Pride Festival 2024

On Saturday July 13th from 12-6pm, Urban Grace will participate in the annual Tacoma Pride Festival 2024. Sign up for a booth

Rainbow Potluck

Urban Grace

On Sunday July 14th, Urban Grace will have their annual Rainbow Potluck right after the 1030am service. Sign up using the color

Pride Movie Showings


‘Mama Bears’ movie showing at Grace Baptist Church Sunday July 14th at 2pm ‘1946’ movie showing at The Grand Cinema from July

Vacation Bible School

Bethany Presbyterian Church 4420 N. 41st St., Tacoma, WA, United States

In partnership with Bethany Presbyterian, Vacation Bible School for kids grades PreK-5th, July 15th-19th, 9:30am-1pm. Free and loads of fun! REGISTER HERE

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